Let me just teach you the Scribe Spell, Spell, and you'll never have to worry about that busy work again, it's easy." You don't need to study and hone your craft to perfect your ability, there's just a spell that does it all for you.

But with the Scribe Spell, Spell, you can imagine an apprentice spending long nights working on how to express their knowledge on paper and then one day their Master comes in and says "Hey, what are you doing? There's a universal scribe spell, we worked this out long ago. When you think about a Wizard scribing spells you think about them creating their own unique symboogy, their own twist on the language of magic that reflects their study. The new spells that the Wizard gets as class abilities tend to undermine this class fantasy, and when you think about it are a little bit goofy. Their power comes from their deep understanding of magic, their experimentation, their dedication to learning and acquiring knowledge. I won't pretend to be an expert on the Wizard class fantasy, but in general when you think of a Wizard, the thematic fantasy of the class conjures a hard studying intellectual who masters their understanding of arcane magic.